Last week I was asked what logistical questions students taking tests for Spanish always ask? These are my answers for the faq asked by students taking Higher tier papers. 1. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA. Understand assessment criteria for reaching best results. For instance, the information a student generates must be relevant to the topic or task they are performing in Spanish. Students tend to provide information that is not relevant. The reason for this is that students feel they need to keep talking/writing: more words more marks. The criteria for assessment makes it clear: more irrelevant information lower marks. 2. TIME RESTRICTIONS: Understanding that you do have time to perform the task. Because students feel under pressure there is no detailed planning when writing a piece of work. Therefore, the language usually is very poor in the first paragraphs. This doesnt give a good impression to the examiner. I encourage to use mind maps to explore accurate vocabulary before approach...
Blog sobre experincias en el aprendizaje de lenguas, en concreto español como lengua extranjera. Dirigido a todos aquellos interesados en el uso de nuevas tecnologías y la adquisición de lenguas. En este blog se refleja mi transición personal del aprendizaje en contextos formal basados en programas de estudios, en contraste a experiencias en un aprendizaje fuera del aula más natural, personalizado y autodirigido fuera de contextos escolares.