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After a few weeks and attempts to use my iPad in the Primary classroom I learned:
-Generally children get too excited and all want is to touch or be near the iPad. Some groups got distracted by technology and lost focus on the learning intention of the task.
-children need to interact first with a physical tool: ie such as a wooden clock before trying to use a clock with the iPad.
-Child age doesn't seem to be a concern for using technology. Year 1 groups (4 years old) responded really well to an app and played a talking game with the iPad with great success.

SO.. I have started to use my iPad in the classroom for the ONLY purpose of recording the children's work digitally. And it works.. The Classroom atmosphere has changed and kids really work hard because they know I will take a pic at the end of the task. Try it!
 Finally, I have created a gmail account so that my KS2 students can send me their home work via email.

Also, something a learned is that mlearning is a great way to learn languages. I tried my mobile once to create a story using text messages (see a picture of my profile for the cartoon 'Aurora'). My character could see the future with her camera and could use her rucksack to view the past. It was great fun, didn't take more than 5 minutes a day from my time and this task generated enough material to build a unit of work. The experience inspired me to learn more about mlearning
So, I have decided to try and create my e-resources for the primary classroom. Kids use iphone, they can and they do! I will be posting here my results.


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